- The people my age around here love "Mackers." Seriously, they get hamburgers like people in Rhode Island get Dunkin' Donuts iced coffees.
- University is college, college is high school, and school stops being called school after high school. Got it? And universities are just called unis.
- There are very few universities where you can actually live on campus. Everyone commutes, and if a university isn't close to you, you just don't go to it. This means universities don't have much programming or sports teams, etc. Weird?
- You're never on a street; you're always in it. I like that one.
- Enroll is spelled with only one L
- Everyone here knows a lot about America, which makes me feel silly because I don't know that much about Australia. Apparently, its because almost all the movies here are American - Australian movies are pretty rare. The same is true for music, actually - I recognize almost all the songs on the radio. A lot of the television is American, too, although its not familiar.
- Take out is take away, and they use the phrase a lot more frequently than we do in America. Even if you stop in a coffee shop on the way to work in the morning, you say you're getting take away coffee.
- When you have a serious, deep conversation, its called a D&M - for deep and meaningful.
- Everyone eats their meat well done. :(
I'll think of more as I notice them! Learning how other people live is so interesting.
Oh, and driving on the other side of the road - and walking on the other side of the sidewalk - is an experience in itself!
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